Dare To Dream



Dare To Dream

Let nothing hold you back from
exploring your wildest fantasies,
wishes, and aspirations.
Don’t be afraid to dream big
and to follow your dreams
wherever they may lead you.
Open your eyes to their beauty;
open your mind to their magic;
open your heart to their possibilities.

Dare to dream.
Whether they are in color
or in black and white,
whether they are big or small,
easily attainable or almost impossible,
look to your dreams,
and make them become reality.
Wishes and hopes are nothing
until you take the first step
towards making them something!

Dare to dream,
Because only by dreaming,
will you ever discover
who you are, what you want,
and what you can do.
Don’t be afraid to take risks,
to become involved,
to make commitment.
Do whatever it takes to make
your dreams come true.
Always believe in miracles,
and always believe in you!

~ Julie Anne Ford ~

8 thoughts on “Dare To Dream

  1. Åh, alltid lika vackert att titta in här. Underbara bilder – lika fin redigering! Och text!

    Jag har en liten fråga.. 😉 Undrar om du kan tipsa mig om ett bra objektiv för porträtt. Vet inte om jag ska satsa på detta https://www.scandinavianphoto.se/product/item.aspx?iid=12304238 eller https://www.scandinavianphoto.se/product/item.aspx?iid=8471499
    Vad är skillnaden. 1,8 är relativt nytt och jag har fått för mig att man får mycket för pengarna här… Så sugen på lite bättre objektiv nu.

    Kramar och ha en fortsatt bra dag!

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