Category Archives: Alice In Wonderland

Model Elvira

Photographer Alexandra Ekdahl

Black Elvira

Model beautiful Elvira

Photographer Alexandra Ekdahl

She killed my Jabberbabywocky?

Model Elvira

Photographer Alexandra Ekdahl

‘Weekly Showcase’

Min bild denna veckas  ‘Weekly Showcase’ på

On of my photos selected as This weeks ‘Weekly Showcase’ at

Fairy in The Dark

Fotograf Stockholm Alexandra Ekdahl

Photographer Stockholm Alexandra Ekdahl

Some Pics To Catch up whit some Ill been doing…

Some Random Artworks from my mobil 😉 dark horror grungy…

Fotograf Stockholm Alexandra Ekdahl

Photographer Stockholm Alexandra Ekdahl

Bright-Eyed Dolls

De söta kläderna kommer ifrån Lucky Ellen

La La Land….

Dress and Jeans From Lycky Ellen

Textures from GreenDangersStock and Alegion-stock


Instagram pics

Mobilbilder har jag på Instagram i vanliga fall men de här ville jag visa här 😀 andvändarnamn photosbyalexandra 

Usually I show my mobile pics on Instagram.. Usename photosbyalexandra

You used to be much more…”muchier.” You’ve lost your muchness

Model Sandra Joan Cole

Styling Aysha Jones Ceesay

Photography and Edit Alexandra Ekdahl

The Mad Hatter/Lewis Carroll

“The” Alice?

Model Sandra Joan Cole

Styling Aysha Jones Ceesay

Photography and Edit Alexandra Ekdahl

Titel The Cheshire Cat/Lewis Carroll