El Diablo vs Fireball December 13, 2011Editorial, Food and Drinks, Mode Fashion, Modell Model-, Alexandra, Alexandra Ekdahl, bar, cinnamon, Cosmodels, demon, Ekdahl, el diablo, fashion, Fireball, fireball cinnamon whisky, Foto, Fotograf, Fotograf stockholm, Fotokonst, horror, hot, kanel, konst, konstfoto', Linnea Theodorsson, Make up, Man modell model, modell, Photographer, red, reklam, rött, Sebastian Löjdkvist, Stockholm, Surreal, whiskyAlexandra Ekdahl Models Linnea from Cosmodels & Djibrilo Djalo Dress by Sebastian Löjdkvist Make up and Hair Amelia Cazorla Location El Diablo Photo and Retush Alexandra Ekdahl (Me)Produkt Fireball
99 dreams I have had In every one a red balloon January 8, 2011Älva Alva, Barn Kids, Konst Art, Modell Model, Peopeballong, balloon, flicka, girl, red, rödAlexandra Ekdahl
Dagens bild November 23, 2010Mode Fashion, Modell ModelAlexandra, ballong, balloon, boll, Ekdahl, Fotograf, model, modell, red, röd, sko, skor, Stockholm, zap modelsAlexandra Ekdahl Dags för en ny plåtning, har en massa ideer men allt känns lite tungt just nu